This was my reward for waiting so long - the ability to consume all of the Harry Potter world in less than a month. The drawback is that I missed out on an opportunity of community geekery where everyone is sharing mutual character love or hatred, excited for plot lines to come, discussing Patronus charms, together. A friend told me that the day the last book came out he bought a copy and settled into read it at his coffee shop - he wasn't alone. I love the mental picture of an entire coffee shop of people with their noses in books, all going on the same journey together. The day that book came out I was working in a University lab - there were fewer people at work that day, and no one could find one of the Chemistry professors because he'd hidden himself (and a copy of the last Harry Potter book) in the bowels of the science buildings. No one saw him until he'd finished it.
My life is, without a doubt, better for the Harry Potter books - I've already started rereading the first book throughout the day - and I'm glad to have finally let go of whatever had been holding me back.
Harry Potter - Always.
There is something to be said about joining in the nerd fervor.