Friday, December 23, 2011


Chocolate Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies

These are delicious! :)  Both the cookies and the filling have cream cheese in them.  They're so rich that you may have to eat half and save the rest for later.

(Taste of Home recipe, December 2011 - January 2012)

Cocoa Thumbprints (with extra filling from the above cookies) -

These are also delicious, but less creamy than the ones above because they don't have cream cheese in them.

(Food Network magazine recipe, Vol 4 No. 10)
Lacey Brandy Snaps

These are one of the most finicky desserts to make - the dough became one sheet rather than remaining in circles.  It was difficult to keep them from falling.

The filling for these was copious - I'm going to have to make more cookies to use it up, but I love the sweet brandy taste. :-D

The picture is of just the outside since the middle is added later.

(Taste of Home recipe, November 2011)

I also made a bunch of truffles and will have gained a billion pounds before the holidays are over. :)

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