Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Allison Janney

(I'm ignoring the political situation in my state and looking at something happier).

One of my favorite actresses is Allison Janney.  I first took notice of her work when she was playing C.J. Cregg in The West Wing:
She was a very strong character in the White House, a good role model.

She also takes quirky roles in other movies and I just love her for it.

 Like highly religious Prudy Pingleton in Hairspray:

And the student counselor/pornographic romance novel writer in 10 Things I Hate About You:

Juno's step mom:

The starfish Peach in Finding Nemo:

Not all are goofy, like her role as Charlotte Phelan in The Help:

Any role I've seen her in I love her. :)

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