Wednesday, June 13, 2012

First BLT

One of the many things I love about this town is the farmers' markets.  Every Wednesday, whether I need something or not, I wander through the stands of flowers, vegetables, baked goods, and cheese curds.  Today I decided to go all out.  I've never had a BLT that I can recall, needless to say I've never made one.  I thought it was high time I do it - and I had left over bacon from another recipe waiting to be used up.

So I bought the L (whole bunch for $1) and the T (more expensive, but sooo delicious).
I'm pretty proud of my haul - as evidenced by the picture itself. :)
I also got some fresh sweet peas (my coworkers and I were munching them while wandering through the market), some cheese curds (squeaky fresh!), and a cookie (I hadn't had any sugar today, so sue me).
You can see where I'm going with this, right?

My first BLT.
Since I've never had one nor made one I think I did well... it tasted good and I assume that's the golden standard, taste.  The bread was toasted potato bread (because potato is one of the best kinds - eat some and I'm sure you'll agree).  I can see why people like BLTs... probably didn't hurt that I used 3 slices of bacon and that the L&T were fresh.  I ate the rest of that tomato straight - so good.  The sweet peas served as good snack in the belt line traffic jam and the cheese curds served as a good snack during supper prep.

All in all I think I had a good food day. :-D

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