Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Planned Parenthood

Straight off, I stand with Planned Parenthood.
The debates across the country and on Capitol Hill about the funding of Planned Parenthood have started to drive me crazy.  What drives me the most mad are the lies that Defunders spread. Republican Senator from Arizona John Kyl stated on the Senate floor that "...if you want an abortion you go to Planned Parenthood.  And that's well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does."  His office then later said that his statement wasn't meant to be factual.  Then why the f*ck would you say it on the Senate floor, a place where facts should be front and center?

Because basic math will tell you that 3% = well over 90%.

Another state representative that makes me mad is Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) who openly opposes continued funding for Planned Parenthood.  Bachmann spoke on the House floor about Planned Parenthood express centers, how women are, "picking up Starbucks, living their daily lives, and stopping off to have an abortion". The express centers make picking up birth control, finding a place for STD and pregnancy testing more convenient.  She spoke in Illinois about how the President of the local Planned Parenthood stated that they "want to become the LensCrafter of big abortion for Illinois". Anderson Cooper called her out on this quote - she made it up!  The real quote by Steve Trombley (CEO of PP IL) was, "I like to think of it as the LensCrafter of family planning". If she doesn't understand why making up a quote is wrong then she needs to go back to kindergarten.  She also stated that Planned Parenthood is "one of the largest political organizations that you can imagine".  This is also a lie.

Bachmann is testing the waters for her chance at being a Republican Presidential candidate.  Dear god save us.

There are a multitude of similarly minded representatives.  I am very grateful that President Obama put his foot down about defunding Planned Parenthood during budget debates.  The fight won't stop, but we won't back down.  From the NPR article in Morning Edition today, "Florida State professor Rohlinger says what the anti-abortion movement hates most about Planned Parenthood is its persistence: "It basically stands in the way of its primary goal, which is to make the abortion procedure inaccessible in the U.S." I will stand up with Planned Parenthood to make sure they are annoyingly persistent.

I may have some out there thoughts on the reasons for having abortion available.  I personally believe that it should be a last resort, but that it should be an option.  From an ecological sense, considering that the current human population is approaching 7 billion, there is no reason that a woman can't have complete control of her reproductive organs.  If, say, conditions were like they are in 'Children of Men', then I could see people having a fit over abortion.  If there were a situation where the survival of the human species were at risk, then maybe, maybe I could consider taking away the right to have an abortion.

The incessant chatter from all sides on this topic made me crazy enough to blog about it.  Now, hopefully, I'll be able to go back to the lab and concentrate on working.

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