Sunday, February 20, 2011


And after Doctor Who of course comes Torchwood.

This show gets special love from me because it doesn't shy away from LGBT relationships.  It seems that in America those relationships seem more taboo than in Britain.  There are shows in the US that have address such love (just discovered 'The L Word'), but everyday shows have less of it than there should be.  There are more of us than I think Hollywood and the US would admit to.  In Torchwood I particularly love Captain Jack Harkness' relationship with Iano.  They are so gorgeous together:
A pity that they decided to end Ianto. There was great potential to expand that relationship.  I am looking forward to the Brit/American collaboration on Torchwood: Miracle Day.  I heard rumors that they were thinking of having the character of Jack Harkness be completely straight - if they do that I will be very mad and disappointed.  I have hope that this will not occur since the contract is with Stars instead of the originally planned Fox.  I will have trouble watching the new seasons of Torchwood and Doctor Who since I jumped into the game for both shows after multiple seasons had been made.  I love being able to watch long runs of both without having to wait.  Now that I've caught up I'm going to have to be like everyone else. :)  I will have to watch and re-watch both shows until there are new episodes for me to consume. 

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