Sunday, February 20, 2011

Doctor Who

I must profess a deep love of all things Doctor Who. :)

I've been watching this show since I was 5 years old. My mom tells me that I would beg to stay up to finish watching episodes. Now that the new series are on (and I have easy access via Netflix) I've become slightly addicted. Its my lifeline while I attempt to finish my thesis.
I was actually set out to dislike the eleventh incarnation of the Doctor portrayed by Matt Smith- he's the youngest actor so far and he was replacing David Tennant. I admit that the first episodes of season 5 made me love his rendition.  I recently came across this by Pu-sama and it made me laugh:

I just love it! It portrays the character of each Doctor so well - as far as I know.  The only version of the Doctor that I haven't seen yet are the first and the eighth.

I look up at the stars and sometimes wish that we could meet other forms of life.  I think it would unite human kind - would the differences between us be so vast then?

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