Sunday, February 27, 2011


     One of my favorite things to do on a Sunday morning is to sip my coffee while reading the new batch of PostSecrets.  Sometimes if I'm bad I'll sneak a peak on Saturday night before I go to bed - but I'll read them again in the morning.  One of the new secrets answered a question I had this week: do therapists sometimes think its all just bullshit?  My therapist is a really great guy, but this week I could sense that he was just tired.  There are a lot of commitments on his plate right now - he mentioned many of them during our session.  He dispensed sound advice that will help me out, but it seemed like my troubles were a bit bullshit in comparison.   He would never say so - we each have our own troubles to deal with and in my world my problems are important - but that day, to him, I couldn't help but wonder if he was thinking that it was all a bunch of drivel. :)  I took no offense if he did think so since he still helped me.  I actually found this post secret comforting.

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