Friday, May 13, 2011


Now that finals week is over for my students I'm finally done teaching for the semester.  Woot!

Now comes the other in season finales of the shows I watch: (**Some Spoilers!**)

Bones Season 6 finale, 'The Game Changer' airs Thursday May 19th.

I have to admit that I stopped watching Bones for awhile because the whole Booth-Brennan will-they-won't-they was getting old (don't get me wrong, it's still getting old), but I rejoined around episode 7 of this season (seriously - dead person in a huge chocolate bar? Who can resist that?).
I just finished the Bones episode from last night on Hulu, "The Hole in the Heart".  After the tears for Mr. Nigel-Murray and the captured bad guy I have to wonder - what the hell are they going to put in the season finale?  Usually I would expect the culmination of the season to be the capture of the what are they going to do now?  My guess is the Hodgins-Montenegro baby will be born and there will be some Booth-Brennan storyline.  Maybe the baddie will escape.  Who knows.  I know I'll be tuning in next Friday to watch the finale on Hulu.

Castle Season 3 finale, 'The Knockout' airs Monday May 16th.

I have faithfully stuck with Castle even though it sometimes seems as bad as Bones in the will-they-won't-they schtick.  I came to this show for Nathan Fillion and now I'm staying because of Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic (how could you say no to the combined good looks?)

Seriously smokin'.

From what I can glean from the promos for this season's finale the storyline will revolve around, yes, the will-they-won't-they, but also trying to solve Kate's mother's murder.  They are also hinting at the death of one of the characters.  I vote for no one in Castle's family, not Kate or her friends...wait, that excludes most of the cast.  Damn, well, if they do bump someone off I hope they do it tastefully and logically within the storyline.

I'm off to B&N to buy a book I don't need, but want to read.  I've got to stop going on because they're constantly telling me about books I will want to read.

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