Monday, May 16, 2011

Stressed Monday

I don't think I ever fully understood the amount of stress associated with graduate school.

 I heard the horror stories, the aftermath, but it must not have sunk in.  I understand now.  Nothing ever goes the way it was planned - sample collection is insufficient, analysis takes twice as long as expected, samples are compromised, identification of species takes more expertise than originally thought...etc, etc, etc.  I'm on my third year in a two year program and I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs until I get some data from another researcher.  Okay, I've been writing the parts of my thesis that I can, but I can't do in depth analysis until I get that data.  I might have to be a fourth year student, which is really frustrating.  There are several, almost all, other graduate students in this program take more than two years, but I had planned on being done before I turned 26.  My life is in limbo and I'm not happy about it.

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