Tuesday, May 10, 2011


The weather predictions are saying that a storm is coming.  I hope they're right because it has been way too long since I've heard the clap of thunder.  When I first moved here, after I had moved all of my boxes into my room, I shut the door and fell asleep against the wall amid piles of my belongings.  I closed my eyes with bright sunshine streaming in the windows.  I awoke to an ominous darkness and the beginnings of rain pattering on the tin covering on the other side of the wall.  The wind whipped against the house; I could see the curtains moving though the windows were closed.  Then came the thunder.  It rattled the entire house as if the sky was angry at us for having built it.  It was a glorious storm, one that hasn't quite been replicated in my few years here.

The sky is clouding over and the wind is picking up.  *Crossed fingers*

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