Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday Discombobulation

It's finals week here at the university and that means I finally have a chance to breathe.  Well, after 10 am today I've finally had a chance to breathe.  This morning I was rudely awoken by the fact that I had overslept and that I had ten minutes to get my rear end into the school to proctor an exam.  I've been trying to recover all day.  The reason I slept in is twofold: 1) I accidentally turned the ringer on my phone off so even though I'd set two alarms, I didn't hear either, and 2) I started the newest Sookie book last night around 9:30 and finally passed out around 2 am after finishing all but 51 pages of it.  I can't tell if the book was so good that I couldn't put it down or if it was my own compulsion to finish it.  The Sookie books are such easy reads that I am unfazed by the triple digit page count - I want to finish them in one sitting.  It only took me around 5 and a half hours to finish the book, but I was rudely interrupted by my biological need to sleep.  I was lucky this morning that I squinted at the clock around 7:30 am or I would have been embarrassingly late.  As it was I was only embarrassingly out of shape.  I ran 3/4th of the way and managed to irritate the lining of my throat, have a minor asthma attack, and have to fight the nausea that accompanied my zero to sixty on little sleep and no food.  It wasn't pleasant, but I do so hate to be late.

So here I am procrastinating again.  I had a pretty productive meeting with my advisor this afternoon even though I spent nearly all of last week grading papers.  Some days I feel like I know what I'm doing when it comes to my thesis.  Some days I feel I have absolutely no clue.  Ricocheting between the two states is frustrating, but today at least I held my own and added substantive ideas/comments.

This weekend was Mother's Day and since I live within driving distance of my parents I decided I had better head home for this holiday.  I'm glad I did.  The weekend was filled with good food all made by my dad.  There was sunshine and warm weather, wild animals and baby kittens.  I broke out the camera and got some fun pictures of my sister and dad when we (my sister and I) were following dad while he puttered around with his plants.  I now have black and white photos of him being a lumberjack and a gardener.

Even though I've been procrastinating I still think today is a justifiable go-home-early day, early being 5pm.  I might start another book or I might watch some more of 'The Mentalist'. :)

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