Sunday, March 6, 2011


I had an idea for a blog entry yesterday but put it off so long that it flittered away and all that I am left with is a series of tangents.

The first tangent being that I love water.  I was spiraling yesterday - camped out in my room, in my own head - and the thing that brought me back was a long hot shower.  A shower always seems to do that.  It frees my mind and I am content.  That first blast of hot water falling on my head is a pagan baptism.  I guess that's why I am so excited about my weekend away from this place.  The room I got has a jacuzzi.  I haven't been able to soak in water since Christmas vacation.  If I could I would be doing this right now:
With even more candles.  Flames are comforting as well.

I've been reading the Nikki Heat books by Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion).  They aren't half bad.  I liked that they reintroduced me to John Singer Sargent's 'Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose', one of Nikki's favorite pieces.
I do envy childhood bliss sometimes.  Not knowing about all the horrible things that have happened, that could happen, would be nice.  Not having to worry about the protests in WI and whether or not there will be a job waiting for me when I'm done.  Not having to worry about women's rights being suppressed, having less control over my own body.  Those two little girls are young enough to have few cares.  They're lighting the lanterns before they run off to play in their white dresses.

I find the situation in WI and the attacks on Planned Parenthood troublesome.  I wanted to work for the state when I graduated, but there may be no place for me over there.  I worry about the attacks on Planned Parenthood - the attempts to defund life saving cancer screenings, access to birth control, and contraceptives.  Conservatives and pro-lifers squawk that if they were to never provide abortions again that there would be plenty of funding.  I find that utter bullshit.  I've never had an abortion, but there may come a time when I need one.  I don't expect that I will, but I want the option.  It sickens me that some want to take a step back in women's health care.  Abortion should be the last stop, the last choice, but it should be there.  Women's health care starts with providing information, some information that I was not privy to at my relatively conservative, though public, school.

Enough on that tangent. :)  I can't think of another one I'd like to talk about now so I think I'll go back to watching Doctor Who.  I finally watched 'The End of Time' the last two episodes with David Tennant.  I'd put it off so long because I didn't want to see him go.
"I don't want to go."

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