Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Having entered the new year without you is an odd feeling.  Looking at my calendar and seeing that its your birthday is odder still.

You are sorely missed by all who knew you.  Your laugh brightened any room you were in.  I remember you being so tough and mischievous, a good balance to my mom who is meeker but still mischievous.  I remember the two of you sitting at your dining room table.  My mom would sit and you would bring over the glasses with ice for your cokes.  You would sit and I could hear you laughing upstairs from my friend's room.  You would chat about your children, your husbands, people from church, and god knows what else.

On Halloween I would come over to your house to hand out candy to the kids with your daughter because my family lived in the boonies and didn't get to do it.

During the winter there were always ice candles on the back porch or even along the driveway.  There was usually a brandy slush out there too that you let me have a sip of well before I was of age to drink.

When Jen and I were younger, writing stories together, you were the one to fill in the swear words because we were too chicken to.

You constantly opened your house to kid groups of all kinds.  The youth band would crowd around your table to eat the delicious lasagna you'd made.

You were my link to Jen when separate colleges got the better of us.  Through you and mom I was able to keep up on how she was doing and visa versa.

Your strength is inspiring.

We miss you.

Happy Birthday.

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