Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cove Point

     I've just made my way back from a wonderful weekend in a secluded lodge on Superior's north shore.  My first impression of the room was a slight disappointment - I think I'd built it up in my mind, put it on a pedestal.  After that I settled right in.  The first thing I did was open the shutters and admire the view.  My room overlooked Cove Point - that little stretch of rock pictured here.
The second action was to turn on the fireplace.  With a thump, then a quiet whoosh, flames shot up and started to heat the room.

 Because I wasn't used to the silence yet I turned on the television.  There was nothing good on cable and the movies they had left for me were not at all appealing, Something About Mary and Footloose.  Both Pride and Prejudice and The Princess Bride were in my bag, but even in that setting I wasn't feeling like either of them.  Instead I opted for a show I'd grabbed at the last minute, one I'd had with me on my last vacation, but rarely had time to watch because I was the only one who liked it.  The familiar sounds of The West Wing filled the room.  I debated going downstairs to the dining room, but didn't feel especially social.  Instead I munched on the provided popcorn and then did this:

That jacuzzi was amazing.  I never get to do this - I stayed in for a very long time, bubbles up to my chin.  Just the sight of it made me laugh.  The jacuzzi was in the main room so I soaked and watched several episodes of the West Wing.

When I shut off the tv I grabbed a book to read and it was then that I heard the waves.  They  slowly crept into my subconscious and I surfaced from the pages, wondering at the sound.  It brought back so many pleasant memories of Grand Cayman- falling asleep and waking to the sound of the ocean's waves.  Here though, I had the room to myself.  Those waves were mine alone.  I sat and read - pausing occasionally to just listen.

After I had read well into the book sleep called me - a phenomenon that happens less and less often.  I shut off the light and got another treat - one I will never forget.  With the light off I could see the small remains of the fireplace fire.  I could also see light streaming in through the blinds.  I cracked them open, slats facing the sky, and moonlight poured in.   It was so bright that it illuminated the room.  It was the kind of moonlight that you could drive without headlights in, if you were daring enough.  That image of the moonlit room, with some residual light from the fire, and the sound of the waves will stay with me.

The scene naturally linked itself back to a similar night from my freshman year in college.  That night we wanted to get away from college, away from homework, away from the pressure.  Neither of us had much money - we weren't going to stay anywhere, but instead we hopped in his car and started driving north.  The moon was just as bright that night.  We drove so far - far enough to leave the state and end up standing on the shore of Lake Michigan.  It seems I'm connected to these Great Lakes.  He parked the car and we walked out onto a pier.  The wind was biting cold, but it couldn't take away from the beauty of the moon shining out over the water.  The only noise the sound of waves lapping the shore and our breath seeping into the dark.

The next morning I opted not to join strangers for breakfast, but instead brewed some coffee and continue reading my book.  Outside the door I found a newspaper underneath a brown whicker basket filled with juice and muffins.  I pulled up the blinds, sat with my feet on the sill and enjoyed the morning.  I read, I sipped my coffee, and I watched the couples roam around outside.  It was a beautiful day and warm judging by the lack of hats, mittens, and scarves I saw.  There were several people out on Cove Point for most of the morning.

 Eventually I decided to roam outside myself and enjoy the wonderful weather.  I got my old shoes from my car along with my winter weather gear.  I should have left my hat, gloves, and scarf in the car because after hopping around on the rocks on the lake shore I didn't need them.

This is the Lodge from the edge of the lake.

I have too many pictures so I'm only going to add this one from my roving on the shore.

Last night I dined in the formal dining room with a book.  I did get some looks from the couples eating at nearby tables, but I didn't much mind.  I had a salmon sandwich and for dessert a slice of honey cinnamon cheesecake.  There was so much cheesecake that I had to take it back to my room.  I ate the rest of it while in the jacuzzi, watching more West Wing.  That done I cracked another book and soaked the night away.  I'd enjoyed the fireplace a bit too much and the room was sweltering so I cracked the window when I went to bed.  The clouds obscured the moon, but I listened to the waves and smelled the wood smoke from the bonfire on the shore.

It was sad to leave this morning - I got up earlier than usual, waking to the Company of Thieves, to enjoy another small pot of coffee and the morning paper.  The room was chilled so I got to enjoy the fire for a bit longer.

I'm back in my own room, being inundated with chatter from family, but I won't let the worries and stresses of graduate life wash over me until tomorrow.  This is still my weekend.

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