Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Albuquerque the Turkey

Since returning to town I've become my best friend's (aka The New Mom) babysitter.  She has four little girls that love her.  The three oldest, Cindy* ~10, Mulan* ~8, and Charlotte* ~6, are in school for most of the day and I see them for about 20 minutes between their return home and when their dad gets done with work.  (In which time I spoil them with Halloween candy).  I spend most of my babysitting time with the youngest, Jasmine* who is about 4 years old.  She was the little nut trying to build a snowman with a piddly amount of snow.

Charlotte - nicknamed thus here because of her canny resemblance to Charlotte La Bouff from Disney's 'Princess and the Frog' - has become attached to me.  As soon as she has her candy picked out she settles on my lap and I help her do her homework.  If she has a new book she reads to me.  Yesterday she and Mulan were trying to remember the words to the song 'Albuquerque the Turkey'.

"AlbuQUERque he's my TURkey!...." is about as far as they could get in the first verse and they would end with, "we had scrambled eggs instead!!"

I don't know why, but it just made me laugh.  They filled in the middle with "hm hm hm" or "la la la" or even, "I can't remember the rest of the words!" in tune.

I googled it yesterday when I got home and these are the lyrics:

Albuquerque is a turkey,
And he's feathered and he's fine.
And he wobbles, and he gobbles,
And he's absolutely mine.
He's the best pet that you can get,
Better than a dog or cat.
Albuquerque, he's my turkey,
And I'm awfully glad of that.
Albuquerque, he's my turkey,
He's so cozy in his bed,
Because for our Thanksgiving dinner,
We had scrambled eggs instead.

Small doses of little kids can really brighten my day. :)
*All names have been changed for the sake of privacy.

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