Friday, November 18, 2011

Crohn's Conundrum

I just got back from the hospital.  My Lil Sis has Crohn's.  Usually she can keep flare ups under control, but a couple of weeks ago she got a cold.  The medicine she takes to treat the Crohn's suppresses her immune system making her more susceptible.  Once the cold took hold it wouldn't let go.  She couldn't keep anything in and after a few days she developed chest pains.  Today we went to the clinic to see her doctor and after checking her symptoms he sent her to the ER.  She's had an EKG, an Xray, and a CT so far.  They've rehydrated her and given her steroids.

I thought that Crohn's was more manageable than this.  I knew that she went to the ER about a year ago, but according to the nurses Crohn's patients will have multiple ER visits in their lifetime.  I've got to say Lil Sis is pretty strong dealing with the seesaw of symptoms in addition to college life and work.  Hopefully Lil Sis will be able to come home tomorrow.    

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