Friday, November 11, 2011

Talking Animals and Objects

I think some geek characteristics are genetically passed down, or are maybe just meme, but it has been pointed out to me that my family and I are weird.

This comment came from Cleo after seeing the Christmas letter Mum sent out my sophomore year of college...the letter was from the dog. To me this was nothing new.  On the rare occasion that a Christmas letter gets sent out it is often written by a family pet - the dog (Chubbie, now deceased, RIP), any number of the cats, the hamster, and even maybe the fish.  In any of these letters there is bound to be a comment on how hard it is to type with paws/fins.

I don't know when this all began.  It's been the way we are since I can remember.  An example I gave Cleo, which gave further support to her statement, was of the spider.  When I was in high school my brother gave Mum a computer, a desktop with the huge tower and monitor.  The tower became the home of a relatively large, quarter sized (with legs), spider. (Okay, thats not that big, but we're not a huge fan of spiders).  The spider stayed around long enough that he was dubbed Mr. Long Leggedy Beasty.  Now, by this time Mum had started a journal on Open Diary.  It was her new past time, writing amusing anecdotes about her family.  After dubbing the spider Long Leggedy Beasty he got an Open Diary (OD) as well.  He wrote about jumping out at Mum, scaring the teenager (me), and life in general on the computer desk.  Mum then started a Teen Leggedy Beasty OD and I helped keep that one updated for a year or so.

I know this behavior isn't special to my family, several animals have twitter accounts: most notably the Egyptian Cobra that escaped from the Bronx zoo.

Our newest family endeavor is the Travelocity Gnome.  He goes with us and other people on vacations, helps around the house and outside - wherever he goes, we take his picture.  He has his own Facebook page.

We are weird in many ways, but this one jumped to mind today.

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