Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It used to be Bah-Humbug!

The holidays from high school on were a funk inducing time of year for me.  
Senior year I was living in a quad and one of my new roommates, Liz, was a holiday NUT.  :)
This was our little tree that she insisted we set up in early November and each roommate had to help put on the ornaments.  It was really heart warming.  I will probably never be as enthusiastic about Christmas as Liz, but I think that year my Bah-Humbug! attitude started to fade.

Yesterday was Christmas decorating day.  I haven't been home to help out with decorating since I started college and I forgot what it was like to have a family decorating day.  There was a parade of boxes from upstairs to the living room where decorations spewed onto every corner of the first floor.  Lil Sis plopped one santa hat on dad and donned the other.  With the Wheel of Fortune and then the Big Bang Theory in the background we set up and trimmed the tree.

While Lil Sis was decorating the rest of the downstairs I checked all of the outdoor lights to make sure they worked.  One string was only half lit and if I jiggled it they worked.  I was going through the bulbs, one by one, to see if I could find the loose one and...

Holy crap! An entire casing was missing, which exposed bare wires.  I managed to brush it with my arm, completing the circuit.  There may have been some swearing, but there was more laughing - it scared the crap out of me, but didn't really hurt too badly.  :)

Despite being electrocuted, being surrounded by family while decorating the house has made a Bah-Humbug! this season irrelevant.

Break out the Christmas music, the electricity made my heart grow three sizes!

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