Sunday, November 20, 2011

Grandma's Secret?

My new Sunday thing is to comment on one of the secrets posted online and even though I'm sitting in the hospital I'm going to keep it up.  (Lil Sis is doing well - she's been rehydrated with 6 saline bags and with medication has been worked up to solid food.  We're hoping she will come home today.)

The secret that caught my eye today was this one:
When I was in elementary school my mother's parents got divorced.  Soon after both got remarried.  My grandfather married a woman from Arkansas (Nosy Southerner) and my grandmother married a Methodist pastor (Creepy Pastor).  I was never partial to either of them, as you can probably tell by their nicknames.  The Nosy Southerner is a story for another time, but Creepy Pastor could be the man referred to in the above secret.

When we met Creepy Pastor he and my grandmother were already married.  There was something that my middle school self couldn't put her finger on, something that was off about him, but since I didn't get it, I ignored it.  Only when I heard the whole story, about a year ago, did it click.  Creepy Pastor is skeezy, or as Lil Sis would say, a "Creepy McCreeperton".  He is addicted to pornography and every church he's ever preached at has asked him to leave.  The reason they traveled back and forth across the country was because he had to find churches that would take him.

I remember wanting every pastor that I ever had as a kid to stay at the church.  One time our church split over a pastor and we asked that guy to head the newly established church.  We never asked a pastor to leave.  They only left when they felt their God calling them elsewhere.  The fact that every church asked Creepy Pastor to leave is an added ick-factor for me.

The positive spin here is that my grandmother is now divorced (again) and lives close by.  We are happy that we have her back and she is happier that she has been in awhile.  Creepy McCreeperton is still somewhere in New England - you can keep him! :)

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